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  • Chris Rabalais posted an update in the group Star Street Sports:   2 months, 1 week ago · View

    In light of the poker site shutdown, I think this legal basis went from shaky to non-existent:

    Yes, trading on StarStreet is 100% legal in the US.

    Trading StarStreet is legal because StarStreet is a game of skill (and not chance) that does not depend on any single end outcome or result. (For example a sports bet is a yes or no bet on an end outcome, StarStreet does not have a yes or no aspect.)

    There is precedent in many online skill based games (ask us about them if you want) and we have been assured by our amazingly qualified lawyers (seriously you should see the hourly rates they charge) that StarStreet is completely kosher.

    If you’re wondering why we can use players’ name and statistics - it’s because names and statistics of professional athletes are fully in the public domain. This has been upheld through many cases including up to the supreme court, and this is why fantasy sites can use players’ names and stats.